Sign-up by calling (307) 472-7696 or emailing Andrew Braley HERE.
Lesson Rates: 30-minutes – $55 • 60-minutes – $90
Summer Junior ADM Programs
- All Junior ADM programs are scheduled to begin during the week of June 3rd.
- Program schedules are subject to change due to inclement weather.
FUNdamentals – Boys 6-9, Girls 6-8
2025 FUNdamentals Information Coming Soon
Weekly Schedule:
First Session Dates:
Second Session Dates:
Objectives: Learn fundamental movement skills and overall motor skills.
- Practice becoming more proficient in fundamental movement skills before more sport-specific skills are introduced.
- Emphasis on identifying and improving the child’s physical capacities, fundamental movement skills and the ABC’S of athleticism: agility, balance, coordination and speed.
- Teach appropriate and correct running, jumping and throwing techniques.
- Introduce basic flexibility exercises.
- Develop speed, power and endurance using games.
The emphasis will be on FUN, keeping children engaged through games, activities, drills and unstructured practice.
LEARN to PLAY – Boys 9-12, Girls 8-11
2025 FUNdamentals Information Coming Soon
Weekly Schedule:
First Session Dates:
Second Session Dates:
Objectives: Continue to develop fundamental movement skills and increase the development of golf skills. “Learn to Play” will further develop the physical skills needed to play golf and many other sports as this is one of the most important ages to develop these skills for a young golfer to reach their full potential.
- Further develop all fundamental movement skills and teach general fundamental golf skills (Otherwise, a significant window of opportunity is lost, comprising the ability of young golfers to reach their full potential).
- Develop strength using exercises that incorporate the child’s own body weight.
- Introduce hopping and bounding exercises or routines to aid in strength and power development.
- Further develop endurance through continuous activity games and relays.
- Along with physical golf skills, mental skills including focus and visualization will be introduced.
- Curriculum involves 70% training and fun play with 30% competition-specific training and actual competitions.
*This is the age that players tend to gravitate to a specific sport but should be encouraged to play at least 3 sports in the same or overlapping seasons.
Competitive Prep – Boys & Girls 11-15
2025 FUNdamentals Information Coming Soon
Weekly Schedule:
First Session Dates:
Second Session Dates:
Objectives: Reinforce basic and fundamental golf movement skill and build those skills into more competitive experiences.
- An individual experience with group competition and tournament prep
- Three – 30 minute individual lessons using K-Vest, video and Trackman Launch monitor per session
- Two – 90 minute per week supervised practice and/or on course instruction
- A focus on swing development and competitive preparedness